
The UML component diagram below shows the core microservices of Pishahang and how they communicate with each other. Interfaces are not depicted for simplicity. Instead, dashed lines represent HTTP APIs and solid lines represent AMQP message exchanges.

@startuml Microservices
top to bottom direction
skinparam componentStyle uml2



GUI ..> Gatekeeper

cloud {
  cloud "AWS"
  cloud "Kubernetes"
  cloud "OpenStack"

package "MANO Framework" {
  Gatekeeper ..> Pluginmanager
  Gatekeeper ..> Repository

  package "Plugins" {
    ' VIM Adapter
    [VIM Adapter] as VIM
    Gatekeeper --> VIM
    VIM ..> AWS
    VIM ..> OpenStack
    VIM ..> Kubernetes

    [OLM / KLM / ALM] as FLM
    FLM --> VIM
    FLM ..> Repository


    ' SLM
    SLM ..> Repository
    SLM --> Placement
    SLM --> VIM
    SLM --> FLM
    Gatekeeper --> SLM

  Plugins <-> Pluginmanager


Pishahang Microservices